Latest Blogs From Dev Sethi

How To Stop Comparing Yourself With Someone Else
Are you comparing yourself with others and thinking, “I want to be like that person, that person is better than me!”? If you’re feeling this way, then this blog is for you. I’m going to show you how to fix it! Why do we compare ourselves? Let’s understand that first! We compare because we want […]
How To Handle Emotions When You Cannot Close a Deal?
“How do I handle emotions when I cannot close a deal?” Are you feeling that right now? You might have had so many clients calling you, but you are not able to convert it into a sale. In this blog I’m going to share with you how to manage that emotion, so that you can […]
What To Do When Your Family Doesn’t Support Your Dreams?
What to do when your loved ones and family don’t support your dreams? That’s a problem! So how do you fix it? Today, I’m going to share with you three things! This is from a personal story which I accomplished from getting no support to now getting the best support. Let’s get into this! The […]
Start A New Business Vs Stay In The Current Job — What To Do?
Should I continue my job or should I start a new business? Maybe you’re wondering that in times like today, it’s really tough to start a new business but you still want to create your own business, now the question is: ‘Should you do it?’ Well, then hang on, I’ve got three things to guide […]
3 Factors Limiting Your Confidence in Growing Your Business
Whether it is talking to people or just confidence in general there are three factors that can limit your confidence. Now, if you are able to overcome these three factors, then your confidence will go through the roof! Before I share those three factors that are limiting your confidence, what if I told you that […]
Which Business To Start In Times Like Today
Are you looking for clarity on what business to start in times like today or maybe you’ve got so many ideas and you’re confused which idea to take? Well in the next five minutes I’m going to share with you Three Secrets that will solve the problem you’re currently facing. You see, last year, when I started […]
3 Secrets To Getting Results!
A lot of people say they’re investing in so many courses and they spend a lot of money trying to create a business but they’re not getting results! They don’t know where the problem is! So, in this blog, I’m going to share with you 3 things that you can do to solve this issue […]
The Secret ‘HEARD’ Method To Close Any Sale
Are you wondering how to have your prospects connect with you so deeply that they want to buy from you not once, not twice, but over and over again? I’m going to share with you a technique that no matter who they are, they will feel you and they will buy from you. What I’m […]
How To Control Your Mind For Success
In today’s world, everyone is behind success but most don’t realise that success comes mostly by controlling your mind and having the right mindset. It’s always 80% mindset and 20% skillset. Hence mind control plays a major role in achieving success in any aspect of life and it’s important to master it! Today I’m going […]
Price Is Too High Compared To Others
Price objection has become so common in times like today. It has almost become a universal objection that if the client is not sure whether or not they want to move forward they just say that the price is too expensive. But, think about it; is it actually the real objection? How to handle this? […]
How To Identify The Right Prospect
How to identify the right prospect is a common question I get and I love this question. When you don’t know ‘who’ is your right prospect, you won’t know ‘how’ to identify that right prospect. Hence today, I’m going to share with you three things that you need to do to really understand and identify […]
The Secret Formula to Win and Succeed
Everyone wants to succeed in their life and business, right? So have you ever wondered, what are those traits you need for guaranteed success in whatever you do? Today I will be sharing those secrets with you, so are you ready to learn the secrets and win in life? Let’s do this. You might be […]
Client Says You Don’t Have Enough Experience?
“You don’t have enough experience’’ is one of the most common objections we get while dealing with a client. So, how do you get the experience when it’s your first gig or when you’re still trying to get into the market? In order to learn how to tackle this objection, you will be learning three […]
3 Reasons Why People Fail
Failure itself is one of the biggest fears people have. But, have you ever wondered why people fail? There are mainly three reasons why most people fail! In this blog I’m going to show you exactly what the three things are which will absolutely make you succeed in whatever you want. 1. Lack Of Clarity: […]
The Secret Formula to Win and SucceedThe Secret Formula to Win and Succeed
Everyone wants to succeed in their life and business, right? So have you ever wondered, what are those traits you need for guaranteed success in whatever you do? Today I will be sharing those secrets with you, so are you ready to learn the secrets and win in life? Let’s do this. You might be […]
Price Is Too High Compared To Others
Price objection has become so common in times like today. It has almost become a universal objection that if the client is not sure whether or not they want to move forward they just say that the price is too expensive. But, think about it; is it actually the real objection? How to handle this? […]
How to go from being Nervous to Confident in just 7 minutes
Do you feel nervous talking to people especially when it’s selling your services or closing a deal? It may be on the phone or on a webinar or even in person. So in this blog I’m going to share with you about three main things: 1. How to get rid of being nervous forever. 2. […]
How To Control Your Mind For Success
In today’s world, everyone is behind success but most don’t realise that success comes mostly by controlling your mind and having the right mindset. It’s always 80% mindset and 20% skillset. Hence mind control plays a major role in achieving success in any aspect of life and it’s important to master it! Today I’m going […]
3 Secrets On How To Get Anything You Want With Persuasion
How to get anything you want with ‘Persuasion’ is the number one skill that you should know. In fact it’s a skill that got me from being a ‘nobody’ to winning a ‘global champion’ award across 150 countries. Today I shall be sharing with you; the three secrets on how to get anything you want […]
How To Confidently Close Deals as an Introvert
Are you an introvert and feeling that you can’t confidently connect with people in public or worse even close sales for your business? In this blog, you will learn how to successfully close any deal you like, even if you are an introvert! Being an introvert should not stop you from being confident and taking […]
3 steps to transform your mindset in just 60 days
Did you know only 20% of your success comes from your skills? So where does the other 80% of your success come from? MINDSET!! Yes, it’s been proven that 80% of your success comes from your “Mindset”; the way you think; the way you believe and what you believe in. In this blog I’m going […]
How To Stop Making Excuses And Create Wealth
‘You can either make money or make excuses you cannot make both’. People always say they don’t have enough time. But in reality, most people just make excuses and don’t take the steps necessary to reach their goals. They say, “I want to do this BUT”, “I love your idea BUT”, “you know what, I’m […]
5 Habits To Become A Successful Person (Secrets Revealed)
Successful people are not born with success. They learn habits that make them successful. I want to share five secrets with you that I’ve learned by studying the rich. I’ve actually used them personally and adopted them in my own life as well and I can see the success happening. I have been studying a […]
Mastering The 3 Phases Of Cold Calling
Cold calling is the act of calling someone or some group of people with whom you have had no previous contact, in regards to your service, product, or company. Cold calling can be a scary and daunting process, but with a little preparation and planning, it doesn’t have to be! Before you get on to […]
How To Overcome Fear With 3 Powerful Tips
Fear is a very real and present part of the human condition that we all face in some form or another. We may fear for our safety, our financial security, our health, encountering certain people and situations, the list goes on and on. While it’s perfectly normal to feel afraid when put into a new […]
3 Things to Help You Write A Book Without Experience
Have you always wanted to write a book but you don’t know where to start and you feel like you don’t have enough experience or you started writing long back but you feel stuck now? Then this blog is for you because I’m going to share three things that I’ve been going through, while writing […]
How To Win Big In Life And Business
How to win big in life and business? Have you ever wondered? What does winning big even mean? Today, you will get the answers to all of these questions. Read through till the end and then you can comment below if you got an idea after the read! I am one of you! Why? Because […]
Wants Vs Needs In Closing Deals
Wants versus needs! Which one is more important in business when closing a deal? If you are asking yourself this question then here is your answer! In this blog, I’m going to share with you one technique which will give you clarity on how you should sell! Should you sell on wants or should you […]
How To Maximise Your Full Potential?
Are you wondering, how to really maximise your full potential so that you can give more value to yourself and others? Today, I’m going to give you an analogy so that you can get a feel of things and it really anchors in! Now think about this, when you say full potential, what is the […]
Unleash The Success Within And Thrive In Any Situation!
Are you feeling like you want to give up, you have no clarity and no direction? Are you feeling stressed, confused, low on energy and really need help? By the end of this blog I guarantee you; if you do what I encourage you to do, you will be in a positively motivated state of […]
How to Be Authentic and Confident On Camera?
Do you want to learn how to stay authentic and be yourself? Have you always wanted to look and sound confident on camera? Then this blog is for you! I have had a lot of people asking me constantly on what’s the difference between doing a live sales and doing it virtually. Of course there’s […]
How to Manage Time As A Successful Business Owner?
Are you struggling with time where by the end of the day you’re like “Where’s all my time gone?” You feel unproductive and busy all the time. So how do you solve that? I’ve discovered three simple things over the years that I want to share with you. So if you have a problem with […]
Journey To Generate Wealth On Command And Be The Million Dollar Achiever!
If you are someone who wants to generate wealth and achieve that million dollars then this blog is for you! In this blog I’m going to share with you my journey on how I generated “Wealth On Command” to be a million dollar achiever with just three powerful things! 1.Vision: Now we’ve heard this word […]
Don’t Start A Business Until You Read These 5 Proven Secrets!
Recently I won the “Sales Closer of the year”; the world champion award in generating sales across 150 countries in this world and today I want to share how you can do it too. I use the same skills in my business today to grow. So, don’t start a business until you read these five […]
Key Skills Required To Be An Effective Sales Closer — PART 1
If you have ever wondered what are those key skills required to be an effective closer, then this blog is for you! Even though you might not be from a sales background; if you want to improve your closing skills, it can be done! From not being into sales and then suddenly getting on the […]
Key Skills Required To Be An Effective Sales Closer — PART 2
The very first thing I want to clarify here is that it’s not just about closing. An effective sale is actually about what happens before that. For me, it all started from having those habits, the desire and working with my family! Once I got my family on the journey, the way I learnt the best is […]
Limiting Beliefs I Discovered While Moving Into Business As An Entrepreneur
I have often been asked what kind of limiting beliefs I discovered about myself while moving into the business world as an entrepreneur. Of course, I had a lot of limiting beliefs just like any other person that is new to business. But as I gained self-awareness and got trained by my coaches and mentors, […]
What Does Cycling Have To Do With Closing Deals in Business?
So what does cycling have to do with closing deals in business? Well, you’d be surprised. There’s so much in common! So, read through and you’ll see, that the sales of your business will go through the roof. I recently bought a mountain bike for the first time in my life. The main reason was that I […]
5 Steps To Sell Your High Ticket Coaching Program
How to sell your high ticket coaching program? Now, let’s say your prospect says “You are the coach I’m looking for! So, how do I buy it?” In this blog, I’m going to share with you five methods that I’ve personally used to close millions of dollars. A closing call is very similar to a patient-doctor relationship, […]

How To Control Your Mind For Success

In today’s world, everyone is behind success but most don’t realise that success comes mostly by controlling your mind and having the right mindset. It’s always 80% mindset and 20% skillset. Hence mind control plays a major role in achieving success in any aspect of life and it’s important to master it!

Wants Vs Needs In Closing Deals

Wants versus needs! Which one is more important in business when closing a deal? If you are asking yourself this question then here is your answer! In this blog, I’m going to share with you one technique which will give you clarity on how you should sell! Should you sell on wants or should you sell on needs? You will also learn on how to secure the deal and get the client forever!!

How to Manage Time As A Successful Business Owner?

Are you struggling with time where by the end of the day you’re like “Where’s all my time gone?” You feel unproductive and busy all the time. So how do you solve that? I’ve discovered three simple things over the years that I want to share with you. So if you have a problem with time management, then go ahead and read this blog, if not use your time for something else!

3 Proven Strategies To Convert Your Ideas Into Profits!

Usually, people in business get so many ideas but don’t implement most of them for the fear of failing. Do you also have an idea that you have been holding on to for a long time but you’re not sure if your idea will work or not? Will you make money? Is it the right niche?

How To Find The Right Clients With The Right Method?

Have you started a new business and you have so many goals to reach and so much to offer to people but you just aren’t finding the right bunch of clients? If you’ve got a business and you’re wondering where the clients are? This blog is perfect for you!

How To Know Your Value And Demand Your True Worth!

There was this man who was working in an investment firm where they usually deal with shares, stocks and the whole market in general. One night, after finishing his work he met with his friends at a pub and while having beer, he told his friends

3 Proven Strategies To Convert Your Ideas Into Profits!

Usually, people in business get so many ideas but don’t implement most of them for the fear of failing. Do you also have an idea that you have been holding on to for a long time but you’re not sure if your idea will work or not? Will you make money? Is it the right niche?

How To Find The Right Clients With The Right Method?

Have you started a new business and you have so many goals to reach and so much to offer to people but you just aren’t finding the right bunch of clients? If you’ve got a business and you’re wondering where the clients are? This blog is perfect for you!

How To Know Your Value And Demand Your True Worth!

There was this man who was working in an investment firm where they usually deal with shares, stocks and the whole market in general. One night, after finishing his work he met with his friends at a pub and while having beer, he told his friends

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