Latest Blogs From Dev Sethi

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How To Control Your Mind For Success

In today’s world, everyone is behind success but most don’t realise that success comes mostly by controlling your mind and having the right mindset. It’s always 80% mindset and 20% skillset. Hence mind control plays a major role in achieving success in any aspect of life and it’s important to master it!

Wants Vs Needs In Closing Deals

Wants versus needs! Which one is more important in business when closing a deal? If you are asking yourself this question then here is your answer! In this blog, I’m going to share with you one technique which will give you clarity on how you should sell! Should you sell on wants or should you sell on needs? You will also learn on how to secure the deal and get the client forever!!

How to Manage Time As A Successful Business Owner?

Are you struggling with time where by the end of the day you’re like “Where’s all my time gone?” You feel unproductive and busy all the time. So how do you solve that? I’ve discovered three simple things over the years that I want to share with you. So if you have a problem with time management, then go ahead and read this blog, if not use your time for something else!

3 Proven Strategies To Convert Your Ideas Into Profits!

Usually, people in business get so many ideas but don’t implement most of them for the fear of failing. Do you also have an idea that you have been holding on to for a long time but you’re not sure if your idea will work or not? Will you make money? Is it the right niche?

How To Find The Right Clients With The Right Method?

Have you started a new business and you have so many goals to reach and so much to offer to people but you just aren’t finding the right bunch of clients? If you’ve got a business and you’re wondering where the clients are? This blog is perfect for you!

How To Know Your Value And Demand Your True Worth!

There was this man who was working in an investment firm where they usually deal with shares, stocks and the whole market in general. One night, after finishing his work he met with his friends at a pub and while having beer, he told his friends

3 Proven Strategies To Convert Your Ideas Into Profits!

Usually, people in business get so many ideas but don’t implement most of them for the fear of failing. Do you also have an idea that you have been holding on to for a long time but you’re not sure if your idea will work or not? Will you make money? Is it the right niche?

How To Find The Right Clients With The Right Method?

Have you started a new business and you have so many goals to reach and so much to offer to people but you just aren’t finding the right bunch of clients? If you’ve got a business and you’re wondering where the clients are? This blog is perfect for you!

How To Know Your Value And Demand Your True Worth!

There was this man who was working in an investment firm where they usually deal with shares, stocks and the whole market in general. One night, after finishing his work he met with his friends at a pub and while having beer, he told his friends

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