Without commitment, you’ll never start! Without consistency, you’ll never finish!
So, Commitment and Consistency go hand in hand. Now, what exactly are Commitment and Consistency? We can say ‘Commitment is the state of being dedicated to a cause!’ while Consistency is doing in the same way over time, especially to be fair or accurate’
Some might say it’s all about motivation! But it’s really not just motivation! How can I say this with so much conviction? It’s from my experience!
I was also very motivated when I first started my business. I was trying a lot of things. Being on track and completing tasks daily! But the thing with motivation is that it’s very short-lived! Motivation just lasts for a couple of hours only, hence it’s short-term!

Now let me prove this to you! Let’s say that you’re watching all these videos and reading all these books for motivation constantly! Ask yourself why do you constantly need to watch it or read it?
If you are motivated by a few videos or some really great books for a few days, why do you feel the need to watch more? If you got motivated by even a single video or book, then that Motivation should have lasted forever; but it doesn’t work that way! Right?
So you see it’s not motivation that gets you success! It’s all about the consistency and commitment you have towards your business or any work for that matter.

Now, that’s not it, some people even say it’s “Inspiration”. Again the answer is No! Why do I say that??
Ask yourself! How many times have you seen others succeed and said, “I’m so inspired!!!” Yet you’re still searching for your own results! Right? Guess what? I was in the same boat!! I have been through all this before and experienced it!
I realised that the only way to succeed is “COMMITMENT”.
That’s the real power to get you started and that’s what will keep you going always.
Because along the way you’ll face multiple issues and setbacks. But if you commit to doing what you set out to do. You’ll surely overcome these issues and achieve success in life and even in your business.
But wait there’s more!! Once I understood how commitment works, I did start being a lot more committed towards the activities I had to complete but what I found out eventually was that I was committed to too many things.
Yes, I started it but I never finished it. So what’s the point of starting something without finishing something else that we have already committed to! Right?
But now the question comes up; ‘How does one finish what they started?’ Simple!!!
The answer is “CONSISTENCY”
Because with consistency you start improving yourself with time. Just remember the thing you started. With time if you keep doing it, you’ll get amazingly awesome at it and that comes only with Consistency.
So, you can notice yourself now getting good at something! So, why would you stop! Right? You’ll just keep doing it and the results will start flowing without really needing much motivation or inspiration or anything else! This is how you’ll eventually get your desired goal!
So you see without that consistency. You’ll never be good at it. And worse, you’ll never finish. So I encourage you to stay committed to your dreams and take consistent action. And with time you’ll convert your Skills to Profits and make your dreams into reality!! Wishing you lots of success and power!!
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About the author

Dev Sethi is the Founder & CEO of ‘Wealth On Command’. Dev is a Global Sales Award Winner and “Closer of the Year 2019” in High Ticket Sales across 150 countries. He is the 1st person across Australia, Asia, Africa, Europe and South America to ever win this award.
He empowers business owners and entrepreneurs to monetize their skills and maximize their sales by assisting them in building a high performance sales team. In the last 12 months alone his business has grown by over 560% and his clients have made over USD 5.2 Million in Sales. Dev is a Sales Champion and is now creating more Champions.
He speaks 4 languages fluently and is a loving father and a caring husband; born in Thailand, grew up in India and now living in Sydney, Australia.